Below I will share with you the major changes from College Board over the 2020 Modified AP US History Exam. Other detailed information regarding other AP exam can be found at
According to College board this is what you can expect this year.
- Students can take the exam at home or in schools, if they reopen.
- This year’s AP Exams will be open book/open notes. (However, the exam time will be 45 minutes to read and write your response.)
- Students will need to access the online testing system 30 minutes early to get setup.
- Students will be able to take exams on the following devices: computer, tablet, or smartphone. They will be able to either type and upload their responses or write responses by hand and submit a photo via their smartphone.
- Students who don’t have internet access can contact college board. The link is provided for you or someone you know ho may need it.
- In late April teachers and students will have the opportunity to access the testing system to familiarize themselves with the system. Here is a video link to better explain the process.

- Primary test date: Friday, May 15th.
- Makeup date: Wednesday, June 5th. (Testing times are different than primary date times)
- Exam will cover units 3-7 and will not include unites 1-2 and 8-9.
- Students will be given 45 minutes to read and respond to one question a Modified Document Based Question and then 5 minutes to upload it.
- Modified DBQ- worth 100% of the exam.
- Based on a 10 point modified rubric.
- All students around the United States will be taking the exam at the same time. Look above in image for more detail information regarding your region.
I hope this information will help you understand all the modified changes of the AP US History Exam. Good Luck!