You can run but you can’t hide! It’s that time of the year when you see school supplies out in town. If you are a teacher like myself you are a little devastated knowing your summer vacation is almost over. However, when I know the new school year is near, I start planning what type of classroom door decor do I want my new students to see when they walk in.
My first two years of teaching I was placed in a classroom portable. I was unable to decorate my door because of the elements outside. Now that I am no longer in a portable, the first thing I enjoy planning, is what design will my door show.
I start the year by decorating the door myself. After the first month of school I tell each of my classes that they will be responsible for decorating the door as a class. Since I am a secondary Social Studies Teacher I tell them it must reflect history in some way, however that may not always be the case.
Below I will be sharing with you some the doors my classes and I came up with throughout the years. I hope they inspire you in some way.